Sunday, December 29, 2019

Como borrar record criminal y consecuencias migratorias

Es posible borrar o sellar el rà ©cord penal de una persona en Estados Unidos si se cumplen una serie de requisitos.   En este artà ­culo se explica en quà © consiste el borrado del rà ©cord penal, que se conoce en inglà ©s como expungement o sealing, cuà ¡les son los requisitos bà ¡sicos, cà ³mo se solicita y cuà ¡les son los efectos. Se incluyen las consecuencias migratorias  de limpiar los antecedentes penales, ya que un historial delictivo es considerado como una prioridad para iniciar un proceso de deportacià ³n en contra de un migrante. Quà © es el borrado del rà ©cord penal en Estados Unidos Como regla general, el borrado del rà ©cord penal es el equivalente a su desaparicià ³n, es decir, como si nunca hubiera existido. Es decir, si se obtiene se comunicarà ¡ a la policà ­a y otra autoridades que se debe sellar este rà ©cord y nadie puede tener acceso al mismo. Sin embargo, es fundamental destacar que en este punto cada estado que compone los Estados Unidos sigue sus propias leyes y en algunos de ellos siempre queda constancia del rà ©cord. Es decir, el rà ©cord no desaparece. Lo que pasa es que sà ³lo se tiene en cuenta si la persona a la que se le borrà ³ el rà ©cord vuelve a tener otro problema con la ley. Por ejemplo, los jueces o las prisiones pueden tener esa informacià ³n. No debe confundirse la eliminacià ³n del rà ©cord (expungement o sealing) con un perdà ³n penal (pardon), que solo puede ser acordado por el Presidente de Estados Unidos, el gobernador o un Consejo especial de Perdones. En este à ºltimo caso sà ­ que hay rà ©cord, pero no se le tiene en cuenta. Sin embargo, en el caso del expungement, es como si no lo hubiera habido nunca.   Por otro lado, en los casos en los que una persona ha sido acusada de una felonà ­a o falta pero se la ha declarado inocente es posible solicitar un Certificado de Inocencia (Certificate of Actual Innocence, en inglà ©s). Requisitos para solicitar el borrado o eliminacià ³n del rà ©cord penal Cada estado regula sus propios requisitos, por lo que hay que verificar la ley del estado en el que tuvo lugar el enjuiciamiento y procesamiento del delito. Pero por regla general, se puede decir que son elementos a favor de que pudiera darse un borrado del rà ©cord cuando se dan 1 o varios de  los siguientes elementos: Si la persona era menor de 18 aà ±os en el momento de cometer el delito o falta.Si ya ha pasado mucho tiempo entre la comisià ³n del delito o falta y el momento de solicitud de borrado del rà ©cord.Si el delito o falta no es considerado como grave.Si la persona que cometià ³ del delito o falta tiene, quitando esa mancha, un rà ©cord absolutamente limpio. Por el contrario, con carà ¡cter general puede decirse que no serà ¡ posible solicitar un borrado del rà ©cord cuando se dan cualquiera de las siguientes situaciones: La và ­ctima del delito o falta sea un menor de 18 aà ±os AsesinatoViolacià ³n o asalto sexualCiertos delitos que involucren armasObscenidades o pornografà ­a cuando intervienen menores. En este punto es interesante conocer la edad de consentimiento sexual en cada estado, porque relaciones à ­ntimas consentidas entre novios puede dar lugar a que exista delito.Y otros delitos o faltas que fijen las leyes del estado Cà ³mo se solicita sellar o eliminar un rà ©cord penal Sà ³lo un juez de corte civil puede sentenciar que un rà ©cord queda sellado, por lo que hay que iniciar un procedimiento ante dicha corte. Como regla general, no se necesita abogado para esta peticià ³n. Verificar las circunstancias de cada estado. Ventajas de borrar el rà ©cord criminal Existen poderosas razones por las que una persona puede desear eliminar su rà ©cord penal. Por ejemplo, es comà ºn en los Estados Unidos que se pregunte por historial delictivo en los formularios de aplicacià ³n para trabajos o incluso para rentar vivienda. Una respuesta en afirmativo puede resultar que no se obtiene el trabajo deseado o no se puede vivir en el lugar elegido. Sin embargo, si se ha obtenido el sellado del problema penal, se puede contestar sin mentir que no se tiene rà ©cord delictivo. Borrado de rà ©cord y su relacià ³n con Inmigracià ³n A diferencia de lo que aplica en solicitudes de trabajo o de alquiler de apartamentos o casas, en asuntos de inmigracià ³n el expungement no aplica. Esto es asà ­ desde 1999 por una decisià ³n del Board of Appeals (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) que se conoce como Matter of Roldan. En esa sentencia se decidià ³ que los rà ©cord penales borrados siguen existiendo para Inmigracià ³n. Y esto es importante porque en los formularios migratorios o incluso de visas no inmigrante frecuentemente se pregunta si en el pasado el solicitante de un beneficio migratorio ha sido detenido o arrestado, si ha sido juzgado, si ha sido condenado y si ha cumplido pena de prisià ³n. Existe la obligacià ³n legal de decir la verdad en todos  los formularios de Inmigracià ³n y en las entrevistas con agentes migratorios se està ¡ obligado a decir la verdad. Y si se tuvo rà ©cord criminal hay que contestar afirmativamente, aunque à ©ste haya sido sellado. Mentir puede dar lugar a una condena por fraude (misrepresentation).Y esto aplica tanto a delitos o faltas cometidos en Estados Unidos como en otro paà ­s. Un rà ©cord delictivo puede ser causa del inicio de un proceso de deportacià ³n contra un migrante. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que, en algunos casos, algunas felonà ­as no son obstà ¡culos para obtener ciertos alivios que permiten parar una deportacià ³n. Por lo tanto, en estos casos lo recomendable es asesorarse con un abogado migratorio, si es posible antes de pedir el borrado del rà ©cord. Y tambià ©n guardar una copia de todos los papeles del problema penal cuyo rà ©cord se borra, desde el arresto a la condena, si la hubo. Pueden ser necesarios en los casos en los que la carga de prueba de que se reà ºnen todos los requisitos para un beneficio migratorio recae en el solicitante. Por otro lado, hay que tener en cuenta que los delitos y las faltas pueden ser causa de inadmisibilidad, esto es, razà ³n para que se niegue una visa no inmigrante o una visa inmigrante u otros beneficios migratorios, como por ejemplo un ajuste de estatus, la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n, la aprobacià ³n del estatus de asilado, etc. Asimismo, pueden ser causa de deportacià ³n, incluso para residentes permanentes legales. Por  todo ello, si se tiene un rà ©cord es conveniente asesorarse sobre si influye en lo que se quiere pedir, ya que no todos los delitos o faltas son iguales ni las circunstancias de cada uno ni lo que se pide ni provocan la mismas consecuencias. Y tener en cuenta que en muchos casos en los que los delitos o faltas son causas de inadmisibiliadd para negar la visa o un beneficio migratorio es posible pedir un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso. Finalmente, destacar que sà ³lo es posible solicitar la eliminacià ³n del un rà ©cord penal, si se dan todos los requisitos legales. Pero nunca es posible solicitar el borrado del rà ©cord migratorio. Ese siempre està ¡ disponible para las autoridades y las personas interesadas pueden solicitar una copia del mismo. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Mudies Peom My Father Began as...

The poem ‘My Father Began as a God’ by Ian Mudie is about how a boy (probably him) changes his views on his father, as he grows older. As a child, he saw his father as a ‘god’ whose laws were ‘immutable’. He was a fearless hero, able to do anything: â€Å"He fearlessly lifted me to heaven by a mere swing to his shoulder†. However, by the time he was an adolescent, his father had become a ‘foolish small old man’. He was no longer superhuman, but a father, just like any other: â€Å"With silly and outmoded views of life and morality†. The cause for this change of perspective was specifically puberty. In consequence, he and his father would have drifted apart, since they would have clashed on many occasions. As he grew even older, he noticed that his†¦show more content†¦The tone of the poem changes as the poem progresses. The poem begins with energetic language like â€Å"full of heroic tales† and â€Å" by a mere swing to his shoulder†. The composer also uses hyperboles like â€Å"My father began as a god† and â€Å"lifted me to heaven†. The use of this positive language indicates to the responder that the composer is longing for those days – he is nostalgic. It also highlights the perspective of a typical child. The language used in the middle of the poem is highly critical of his father: â€Å"A foolish small old man†. This highlights the perspective of a typical teenager and signifies that they have generally conflicting views. The language used in the last section of the poem is more loving and emotional than the rest: â€Å"...revealing virtues such as honesty, generosity, integrity†. This draws attention to a mature adult’s perspective. Ian Mudie uses some other language techniques his poem for a variety of reasons. When moving from the child’s perspective to the adolescent’s, the composer uses repetition for emphasis: â€Å"Strange then how he shrank and shrank†. The word strange is referring to his relatively quick change of perspective. When moving from the teenager’s view to the adult’s, the composer uses the phrase: â€Å"Stranger still†. The composer is expressing how weird it is that his perspective should change again. Again, for the final change of perspective, the composer writes â€Å"strangest of all†. The underlying meaning of this phrase is that he never

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Organizational Effectiveness

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Effectiveness . Answer: Introduction: Organizational Effectiveness helps the organization adjust within the peripheral environment, consolidating subsystems into the elevated work practice's performance mainly emphasizing on the learning and is having the capability to manage the relationships with the stakeholder. Organizational effectiveness is the organizational capacity for producing the required results by having the minimum expenditure related to money, energy, time, material and human resources. The organization operating efficiently is able to produce the products without waste. The organization effectiveness helps the organization achieve its goal of the profit making by selling and producing the products without the waste. In the business and the economic world, this may be exemplified as to maximizing the profits.Organization Effectiveness helps the organization in the preferred end point sustainable and outcomes that are self-renewing. This needs a shift in the practices and the mindset with respect to the ch anges in the organization, based on mutually authentic . The aim of the paper is to identify and discuss the two perspectives of the organizational effectiveness and how the organization applies such perspectives in the system. The key components of the effective organizations are the culture of the organizations, leadership and decision making by the management, the stakeholder perspective and the work processes and the system of the organization. These key elements are very important for the effective functioning and reaching the objectives of the organization. Trans Canada Liquor Store: The company that I will feature in the task for understanding the organizational effectiveness is the Trans Canada Liquor store. The TransCanada Liquoris conducted as the local business part of the liquor and beer stores category of the Canpages website. The store take pride for its services, innovative ideas related to the service offering to its consumers, conducive learning environment for the staff and a pool of the dedicated and the talented employees. The store fulfils its purpose of selling the wide variety of the beer, wine, and spirits to the consumers in a delightful manner and under the proper license of a liquor bar. The vision of the organization is to satisfy the consumer with its services with the role model of excellence, resilience, integrity and to remain committed towards their services. Culture Component: The culture of the store Trans Canada Liquor store is quite friendly as per the aspects of the consumers. The company treats its consumers with the trained staff in lieu of the liquor store . The store even provides the online services to the consumers. The open perspective system in the culture of the organization influences the external environment and enables the company to evolve and adapt. The company is quite flexible and adaptive to the changing needs and as per the expectations of the external environment. The best example of such process is implementing the online application and servicing the consumers at their doorsteps. The company is constantly improving the services and facilities based on the consumer suggestions and feedback. While working in the Trans Canada Liquor Store the company was planning for expansion in the services and to add new facilities for the consumers for the better experience in the store. Stakeholder Perspective: The other component which will discuss is the stakeholder perspective, stakeholders are the individuals who not only impact but are also impacted by the objectives and actions of the organization. Such component helps the organization to manage the needs, interest and stakeholders expectations. The company lacks holistically to its stakeholders. The company provides the stakeholders with the refreshing environment by constantly improving the services and the facilities and the pool of the dedicated service providers that are concerned and dedicated towards the consumer services. The proper communication with consumers, through feedback and complaint boxes, analyzes the reviews of clients online results into effectiveness in the organization. And such plans and strategies are also implemented by the company which is benefiting the environment and follow the recycle policies which promote the effectiveness of the company towards the stakeholders. Conclusion: In view of the fact that the organizational effectiveness is hard to be expressed in the concrete formula, the TransCanada liquor store may desire to position the results of estimation through the desired or the achieved specific goals. The turning up of the ineffective areas can too be extremely advantageous for the organization. The areas of improvement in the Transcanada liquor stores give the company a concrete strategy for its future. These changes also excite the consumers, shareholders and the workers about the new strategy. Also, the company treating its weaknesses gives itself the roadmap for the changes in the future in a great way to increase the organizational effectiveness.. Understanding the level of the organizational effectiveness is significant in numerous ways; as this serves the organizations as the check-in to observe that how well the internal processes are meeting the initial vision of the store (Dadallage, 2015). The investors, employees and donors are provided with the idea of the company strength and highlighting the areas which are ineffective and needs the improvements. In many of the businesses, the success or the failure is not measured as per the financial performances. The company making the profits currently may also be ineffective if the company fails to meet the core values of the organization mission statement, to retain and attract the talented workers and to plan for the next generation projects. Thus, the organizational effectiveness helps to measure the huge picture of the business performance, across the wide range of the criteria. The long-term planning, financial performance, internal structure, and loyalty to the foundation values may act as the critical components in consideration of the organizational effectiveness.